
Making Mothers Visible (2012)

Making Mothers Visible is a large-scale photography project spearheaded by International Museum of Women (IMOW) in association with the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood. IMOW and local communities will hold Making Mothers Visible events all over the world during the month of May, drawing attention to the global statistic that a woman dies every 90 seconds of a complication of pregnancy or childbirth. Events will take place in cities including Lagos, Nigeria; Barcelona, Spain; and more to be announced. By Making Mothers Visible, IMOW will call attention to the vital role that mothers play in San Francisco and communities around the world, and the importance of their health, empowerment and leadership.

Making Mothers Visible is part of the INSIDE OUT Project, a global art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. It is a movement taking place all over the world using photographic portraits to discover, reveal and share untold stories. The INSIDE OUT project is a creation of the artist JR, recipient of the 2011 TED Prize. Special thanks to Hub Collective for their logo contribution!