My Dear Friend Was Murdered

I’m at a loss for the right words, but I’ll do my best.
One of my dearest friends and the most brilliant and good-hearted person to dedicate his life to justice for men and boys, Marc Angelucci, was murdered yesterday in front of his home in California.
News reports say: “52-year-old Marc Angelucci was found non-responsive and suffering from gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A motive for the shooting is unknown.”
I first met Marc in 2013. He was one of the first people I interviewed for The Red Pill. He had an undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley, a law degree from UCLA Law and when he saw one of his closest friends being physically abused by his wife and then denied access to resources because he was a man, Marc began investigating. He never initially planned on being a “men’s rights attorney” (as I labeled him in my film), but his big heart wouldn’t let him turn his back on good, innocent people needing legal counsel. The more he worked on these cases, the more he learned how unjust the system was. In his 20 years of practicing law, he became one of the most sought after and effective attorneys to fight on behalf of men (and women) in cases where gender discrimination was apparent, such as cases involving: child custody, divorce, paternity laws, domestic violence services, criminal sentencing, military conscription, public benefits, false accusations and education. What really shows his big heart is that most of the work he did was pro bono. He couldn’t not help people who were so clearly being taken advantage of and abused by the system, so he volunteered his time and work for their right to justice.
The last time Marc and I spoke was on July 1st, just 10 days before his death. The last time I saw him was on my wedding day (he was only 1 of 2 people I invited to my wedding who were in The Red Pill).
When we met 7 years ago, I never thought he would become such a big part of my life and my heart, but he really became like family to me. Although I’ve met so many wonderful people through making The Red Pill, there’s not very many I see eye-to-eye with 100% of the time, but I could always stand behind Marc 100% of the time. The more I got to know him, the more I realized he was truly an angel on Earth who only had goodness in his heart, was always honorable in the work he did, and he was really the one person that could truly enact legal change on state and federal levels on behalf of men and boys. He won so many cases that few would be willing to touch and fewer would be willing to do pro bono, but he did it because it was the right thing to do.
I honestly don’t know anyone else like him and that scares me. Who will carry on his legacy? His death is tragic, it wasn’t his time, he was in the prime of his life. He’s been working on so many important legal cases lately and I’m sure he had even bigger work on the horizon. I don’t know who could do this to him – and to us, because we have lost a real life hero.
I love you, Marc. I miss you. We will not forget you. Rest in peace, dear friend.
The first day I met and filmed Marc Angelucci for The Red Pill – November 2013 Marc Angelucci at The Red Pill’s LA Premiere – October 2016 Harry Crouch, Me, Marc Angelucci and Paul Elam at the LA Premiere of The Red Pill – October 2016 Marc Angelucci at The Red Pill’s LA Premiere – October 2016 Marc Angelucci and me at The Red Pill’s LA Premiere – October 2016 Marc Angelucci at my wedding – June 2018 Marc Angelucci at my wedding – June 2018 A Still of Marc Angelucci from The Red Pill LA Premiere of The Red Pill – October 2016
Wedding Photographer: Taralynn Lawton
The Red Pill’s LA Premiere Photographer: Amy Graves
Copyright holder of all images: Jaye Bird Productions, LLC.
Further resources about his murder:
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I feel hart broken for this good man. I have seen the red pill movie several times and I support what you guys are doing. This man did not deserve to die.
Extremely sad and unsettling news , you could tell he was one of the good guys just by listening to what he had to say and the fact he worked so much for free . The voice of calm and reason , motivated by in justice , will be a great loss. Many thanks Cassie for introducing us to this great man .
I have a difficult time agreeing with myself 100% of the time let alone other people. I think that speaks well to his genuine and thoughtful nature.
Its very SAD to know such a good person had to be SHOT down This clearly shows the fight which we are fighting is going on the RIGHT direction and many are scared due to its consequences and it should continue with double the efforts and I hope someone can come in and fill in his place. I have seen The RED Pill and I can only Imagine the effort he must have put it without any personal gains
Love and light to you and yours during this time. Stay in contact with your emotions, allow yourself to feel, processing tragic loss can be so difficult, but lean on your support pillars and do what you feel is right for yourself and your loved ones. It isn’t fair and I’m so sorry you have to feel this. Thank you for sharing his story with those of us that did not know him, he sounds like a good man.
Well said. This is a tragedy on so many levels. He was a Saint. And possibly a Martyr.
Marc was my friend, too. We met in NCFM and served on the Board together for almost 20 years. We are 3 months apart in age, founded local chapters at the same time, and both loved karaoke (he does AC/DC; mine is Benatar). I cherish him.
He is (ugh… was) a light in an all-too-often dark world. We need MORE like him, not fewer.
Oh, my heart hurts.
Deborah Watkins
NCFM Treasurer 2002-2018
Marc was a great person and incredible friend. I feel you captured my sentiments so well with your wonderful post. I hope his message and truth isn’t wiped away at the hands of his murderer.
Hi Cassie… I met marc last year at the ICMI conference, where he complimented me on the work I was doing for intactivism… He is just as you described. He was the most kind hearted man I have ever met, a phenominal friend, and was extremely effective at his work. His death is a great loss for all of us who care about human rights…
I cannot simply stand by and do nothing but hope there will be justice for Marc… I need to do something for him. Like maybe spread awareness of what a great man he was, or inspire others to continue his work, or… I don’t know. I just hope all the popular youtubers he knew will make a video in his honor and maybe have a call for action. Cassie? What should we do? Please contact me
I’m sorry for your loss and the loss to his family and other friends. There is so much injustice in the world and so few heroes. Take care.
So very sad. My sadness is coupled with anger that every news article I read about this tragedy dehumanized him with statements like “controversial,” “so-called,” “cherry pick” etc. Marc was a national treasure, and even those who disagree with him should be horrified at this crime.
We share in this time of grief, but also share in the memories of a good man who advocated tirelessly for men’s rights and genuine equality. You will be greatly missed Marc. And to you Ms. Jaye, my sincere condolences..
Really heartbroken. I agree with everything you said. I did a video on my channel luceafarul and I said the exact same thing: he lived a hero, died a hero. Marc was special. He actually took time to talk with me one on one at ICMI last year and he was one of the very few MRAs willing to do that because just like you Cassie, I also don’t see eye to eye 100% of the time with many of them. He actually told me that he learned a lot from talking with me and that was such a humbling experience. We even exchanged contact infos and he even subscribed to my channel it’s so unreal. And just like what you said here, I also don’t know who can qualify to carry his legacy. But hopefully now many more people will know who Marc is and what he has done.
RIP Marc
Just sad.
We have lost somebody who could give credibility to some attorneys again.
I am devastated. I never met such a humble and kind-hearted human. Marc didn’t deserve that. It is just wrong. This case confirms that there is not divine justice. It is a lie. The angels could have stand for Marc. The so called protection angels failed him.
Last Tuesday, July 16th we paid tribute to Marc memories by wearing all black, with enlarged and framed pictures of Marc and appearing to the LA court room 60 were he supposed to be that day. The judge is session didn’t show any compassion when we annouce him the passing of Marc. Not even sorry. We are all in tears. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Contact me for pictures. Thx
Immense tragedy, my condolences for this great man.