Cassie Jaye

Filmmaker. Writer. Public Speaker.
View examples of Cassie Jaye’s work below.

Recent Posts

My Dear Friend Was Murdered

I’m at a loss for the right words, but I’ll do my best.  One of my dearest friends and the most brilliant and good-hearted person to dedicate his life to justice for men and boys, Marc Angelucci, was murdered yesterday in front of his home…

Orange-Colored Glasses

Orange was always my least favorite color. Not just my least favorite, I actually hated it.  But recently, orange started popping up everywhere in my life. The color and the fruit. The first time was while watching a youtube video of a man named Dr….

Cassie Jaye’s 2019 Keynote Speech

Last month, I was invited by the Canadian Association For Equality (CAFE) to deliver an hour-long Keynote Address for the 2019 MoMENtum Conference held in Toronto August 2-3, 2019. This is the largest Canadian conference dedicated to men’s issues. CAFE just released the video of…

The Secret To A Happy Marriage

By June, I was exhausted from the heartbreak of losing Nala and the inner turmoil of questioning if we were doing the right thing by moving forward with the wedding. The emotional wounds were still fresh, but the deposits to the wedding vendors were paid. I told…